Here we go 2021
I did’nt get to know 2020 so good
I’ve had a wonderful year, as all other years
but something special happened
panademic life really choke the world
in a different toxic way then we thought
and still think
Still this is not my topic
I feel kind of choked after this weekend
but I’m sure it’s the wake up call I needed
and I guess; asked for
So much incredible things happened the last months
..and I literally changed/left/had a new of almost everything in my life
Home, job, car, horse, friends.
Drama comes to me as I’m a magnet and we all know that this is the last thing I am focusing on since 2 years back. Anyway law of attraction rules over what I think I want and need so right know I calmly say: Sit down and wait for the storm! Ride some winds and then try to be creative of what is left after all the mess that was made..
Yesterday I cried, because of exhaustion. I really realized how alone and strange I feel. Because of how people with negative energy treats me. I feel naked and vulnerable. I feel soo freaking fantastic free in the same time. The cry of yesterday came with other energy around. Today, just before start typing this text, it came out almost by itself.
I’m definitely changed by this year changing. Even that I did’nt expect it. Universe is powerful so i don’t know why I did’nt expect to feel different then 2021 suddenly came over me. Because it really felt that way. I was really not prepared. But we are all ready. Because we are alive.
Drama seems to run this world, but I still believe it’s love. This year. Oh this year. This life. This time. I’m already so much more then i ever think I ever was able to be. Transform into. Follow the flow – that – you create!